IQ Solutions (IQS) has been awarded a place on the National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Communications, Engagement, and Education Support Services Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA). This vehicle enables IQS to bid on call orders throughout the designated five years, allowing IQS to draw on its three decades of extensive communications and digital experience promoting science-based, public health information. Two call orders have been awarded to IQS on the BPA.

NHLBI provides global leadership for research, training, and education to promote the prevention and treatment of heart, lung, blood, and sleep diseases and disorders. NHLBI aims to advance scientific knowledge and stimulates basic discoveries about new treatments, and channels them into improved clinical practice as well as training and mentoring of emerging scientists and physicians. 

The recently awarded call orders entrust IQS to provide scientifically accurate information about more than 80 health topics on the NHLBI website, including sickle cell disease, maternal health, heart failure, and the benefits of sleep. IQS’ team of writers and designers will identify ways to revitalize the NHLBI website, translating complex health information into compelling stories, colorful graphics, medical illustrations, and digital and email marketing, all aligned with plain language guidelines. 

In addition, IQS will manage NHLBI’s Center for Health Information, storing and managing the inventory of health topic publications and other printed documents, including overseeing the Institute’s resources catalog. IQS brings a long history of managing federal information centers and will respond to questions routed through NHLBI’s Center for Health Information through a variety of inquiry response mechanisms. The management of conference activity is also included in the award.

IQ Solutions is honored for the opportunity to once again support the important work of NHLBI. IQS will be working to advance the programmatic efforts of NHLBI by disseminating scientifically accurate information, grounded in the most current research, that impacts heart, lung, blood, and sleep-related health conditions.

–Ileana Quintas, CEO and Founder of IQ Solutions


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